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Remember, every time you point a finger, there are 3 more pointing back at you!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Someone needs to remind America of the little saying our moms taught us when we were young. VP Candidate Sarah Palin is under fire now because her 17 year old daughter is pregnant and not married. Now, in no way am I condoning premarital sex, but really, who in America doesn't have a friend of family member who hasn't gone through the same thing. I know my family has...I got pregnant with Madison as a 17 year old senior in high school. And just as Sarah Palin described of her daughter, I had to grow up much faster than my parents ever intended.

Again, I have to say I am guilty of this also, so if nothing else, I believe I will be reminded and learn several life lessons during this 2008 campaign. How funny it is that we are quick to point fingers at the other side, and make light of the same (or similar) situations on our side. For instance, boy did the Republicans (myself included) have a field day when President Clinton admitted to his affair with Monica Lewinsky. But to Democrats it was simply "no big deal." "He was just being a man." And now that the tables have turned it is a HUGE deal to Democrats that Bristol Palin is pregnant, and simply a "mistake" to Republicans.

The truth is, it was a mistake. President Clinton made a mistake. So where do you draw the line? What is an acceptable mistake, and what is not? In my opinion Sarah Palin should not be held responsible for her daughter's mistakes. I can certainly vouch that my parents were not responsible for my decision to have premarital sex. In fact, quite the opposite. Just is the case that Barak Obama should not be held responsible for his IGNORANT preacher's comments. (But should be questioned as to why he continued to sit through those sermons, that were obviously more political than Biblical.)

So as of now, I will sit quietly and think things all the way through before I point any fingers in any direction.


posted by Stephanie @ 9:31 AM  
  • At September 3, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Blogger Courtney said…

    This is the mess that becomes of the presidential election. Nobody's perfect, but they all want to point out the others flaws and smear them to make themselves look better. It's immature really!

  • At September 4, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Blogger prin said…

    For me, in politics, it's not about the skeletons as much as how they deal with them. Her handling of it wasn't so good, imo. Not her best political effort, I'd say.

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Name: Stephanie
Home: Macon, Georgia, United States
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