What are YOU looking at?I'm not doing so good about this whole updating thing. I'll get better. I promise! Well, this weekend was my birthday. Happy Birthday to Me! I turned 28. Really, 28 is getting a little too close to 30 for my comfort. Ugh! Well, in an effort to stay young I dyed my hair pink! :) Why not? Okay really, I highlighted it and got a few pink highlights too. (So I exaggerated a bit.) You can't tell all that well from the pictures below, but it's all I got.
Oh, and on a negative note, Damian left this morning to work in Texas for 2 months. I swear if he stays a day longer than 2 months I just might not wait! (Who am I kidding. I'll wait. I'll be pissed, but I'll wait.)
My Birthday Dinner
With Madison and Abby (my niece) Madison, Mrs. Mandypoo, and Natalie (my other niece)
Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy(ed) it!