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And I was so happy before... |
Monday, May 19, 2008 |
It sucks when you have days so bad, you can't even celebrate the good. I have everything worked out for my Survivor casting call, and it will only cost me $45 + food...2 days in Orlando, flight, car...and all I have to front is $45! Crazy, huh?! So I should be ecstatic, right? Well, I'm excited, but that is about as far as it goes. It doesn't run any deeper, because quite honestly, despair is beginning to set in. I am still out of work! This cannot continue to go on. What do I do? Do I continue to wait it out? I am collecting unemployment, but that too will end. (I do still have 18 weeks though.) Do I cave, and just take any ole' job? Wait tables? What do I do?! I had 2 interviews over the last 2 weeks....0 call backs. No idea why on the first one, but the second guy told me up front..."Most of the time when I hire girls your age, they end up more trouble than it's worth." As if my age was 16 or something...I'm 27 for goodness sake! And almost 28 for that matter! Do you have to hit the big 30 in order to get some respect in the real world? And if so, what rock do you want me to live under until then?
This Survivor thing seems to be the only thing holding me up from drowning...and its a shot in the dark. One in a million. It's like playing the lottery with your last dollar. I have to cling to it. Maybe tomorrow will be better...Labels: CBS, job search, Survivor |
posted by Stephanie @ 8:05 PM  |
Hey! how about the blog? You can make a pretty decent amount online if you feel like trying... I'm starting to do ok... it's not a TON of money, but it's some?
Anyway, things will get better, I know they will. How about a movie theatre job? Just kidding :-)
You should totally try making money off your blog. Also, maybe you're off so you can do survivor. Maybe a higher a power.
Hey, that guy was so discriminatory. They're not allowed to reject you based on your age like that. Fight! lol (Again! ;))
Good luck.
Good things come to those who wait, right?
That guy was out of order saying that. Just keep going ahead, if you have to wait on tables in the end, well so be it. I remember I had to go back to school when I was 27 for twelve months to get a better job. Harder for you as you have your little girl. It is good to post your fears up, gets them out of your head where they just grow too big.
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Name: Stephanie
Home: Macon, Georgia, United States
About Me: Holy Crap I will be 29 soon! My friends and I are creating a before we turn 30 bucket list...hmmm what to add?
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Hey! how about the blog? You can make a pretty decent amount online if you feel like trying... I'm starting to do ok... it's not a TON of money, but it's some?
Anyway, things will get better, I know they will. How about a movie theatre job? Just kidding :-)