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Saturday, October 6, 2007
Daszzle recently wrote a post about being a Napaholic and breaking all the rules of napping. Reading that post allowed me to enter a new world of adulthood and freedom. It was liberating. I determined at that moment, that no more would I fore go a nap just because it was already late in the day.

And today was my first opportunity to "break the rules!" I met my mom for lunch at this incredible tea room in the small town where she lives (just 10 minutes from Macon). We left there to meet my younger sister Mrs. Mandypoo at Target so she could update her registry. Really I was NO help since everything is new from 9 years ago when I had a baby.

We were out so late today that I actually stopped and picked up dinner on the way home. After dinner I was exhausted! So at 6:30 I decided to sleep! I don't care if it means I won't sleep tonight...I have laundry I can do anyway. I just wanted to sleep right then!

So as I'm laying on the couch just slipping into that happy place, there is a knock at my door. I get up (not happy about it) open the door, and my neighbor & her 12 month old are standing there. (She often brings her over to try to stretch her until bedtime.) She peaks in and notices all the lights are out, and my hair I'm sure is a dead giveaway' and goes "Are you napping?" I say yes, and she walks in anyway! Are you kidding me?! So I go back to the couch & lay down. I do not turn on a single light...and leave the t.v. on mute. She just starts going to town talking, complaining, whatever, and lets the baby run all over the house. I give several hints...and 10 minutes later I finally say "Well, I'm going to finish my nap." She goes "You're going to sleep? You won't sleep tonight." and doesn't get up. Seriously, you are killing me! I say "yep." So she finally gets up, grabs the baby and leaves.

I swear it took me 30 minutes to fall back asleep, I was so annoyed. I am a grown woman, and I don't need my neighbor telling me when to sleep.


posted by Stephanie @ 9:47 PM  
  • At October 7, 2007 at 12:41 AM, Blogger prin said…

    :-O What?! That's just insane.

    But it's technically your fault for breaking the two rules of napping: 1. don't answer the phone and 2. don't answer the door. :D

    At least today was just the first day. You now have a lifetime of napping ahead of you, free of self-judgement. :D

  • At October 7, 2007 at 2:04 AM, Blogger joen05 said…

    No one tells me when to sleep. Except my girlfriend. lol. Oh. and my job. It tells me to wake up in the morning.

  • At October 7, 2007 at 4:40 AM, Blogger linda said…

    Oh, yeah, never, ever answer the door when napping. Also, make sure you have a pillow crease across your cheek and fuzzy hair if you do get caught out. We have a rule in our house - if someone falls asleep on the couch, leave them be. Even if they stay there until 2.00 am in the morning.

  • At October 7, 2007 at 9:25 AM, Blogger whatagem said…

    Unless it was a emergency-sounding knock...I wouldn't have gotten up. But that's just me.

  • At October 7, 2007 at 5:15 PM, Blogger Heather @ thedomesticdiva.org said…

    I would have been SO ANGRY! I hate when ppl wake me up from my nap or worse when someone wakes up my 2 little ones from their nap, then I'm ready to slap someone.

  • At October 7, 2007 at 9:36 PM, Blogger Daszzle said…

    Oh my goodness! No kidding! Well I say good for you :). Aww, and I'm glad that my post inspired an odd nap time in Georgia. Thanks for the mention chica. P.S. You've been tagged for a meme... check out my blog for the various details :).

  • At October 7, 2007 at 11:24 PM, Blogger Gina said…

    Wow! That is crazy. How rude! Good for you for going on with your nap anyway. There is a book I picked up the other day in B&N which talked about how important it is to get naps during the day. (Specifically one for about 30 minutes). He said it really does help you in so many ways. Being pregnant now, it's almost impossible for me to avoid. There is nothing like that daytime sleep!

  • At October 8, 2007 at 9:34 AM, Blogger Mandy said…

    I have ALWAYS napped whenever I feel like it and John Marc totally does not understand. But if I want to sleep now and not later, that is my choice. For instance, yesterday I took a 2 1/2 hour nap and then couldn't go to sleep last night until about 2:00 a.m., but at least I got my nap. Jeeez people, just let us do our thang. Oh, and I can't believe she wouldn't leave!!!

  • At October 8, 2007 at 9:45 AM, Blogger Skryker said…

    I used to be unable to nap because it disrupted my sleep too much. Now, I'm the nap queen. *grin* I rarely get to see the middle of movies anymore, though. I relax too much on the couch and drift off.

    Good for you for reclaiming your Nap Power!

  • At October 8, 2007 at 10:22 AM, Blogger Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said…

    I hate when people don't take hints very well. Read my post "The Best Way to Get Off The Phone?" You should have ignored the door!

  • At October 8, 2007 at 12:44 PM, Blogger Rahul said…

    I've taken naps at 8:30 P.M. before. I have no trouble falling asleep at night. But then again I could drink a two liter of Coke and not have trouble sleeping..

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Name: Stephanie
Home: Macon, Georgia, United States
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